Advanced Placement

Advanced Placement, or AP courses are classes that are designed and assessed by the College Board organization to give students a rigorous, college-level academic experience while they are still in high school. These courses culminate with an exam in May. The rigor of the curriculum, and the high expectations of the instructors help prepare students for what to expect when they get to college.

There are several important benefits to taking an AP course. First, being enrolled in AP classes during the tenth, eleventh and/or twelfth grade is attractive on a transcript for college admissions. Second, if a student scores a 3 (out of 5) or higher on the AP exam, many colleges will give credit for that course. Finally, getting a grade of 3 or higher on an AP exam demonstrates a certain level of proficiency in a subject, and may allow students to by-pass lower level classes and take higher-level classes earlier in their college career.

The most important reason to take an AP class, however, is the experience of being in a class with highly motivated, like-minded students and knowledgeable, dedicated teachers.

Students considering enrolling in AP classes should check to make sure that they have taken the correct prerequisite courses and meet the grade requirements. They should also speak with their counselor at their home high school.

CASA is also one of the first schools in Michigan to offer the AP Capstone Diploma program. CASA began offering AP Seminar in 2017 and AP Research in 2018. Students who earn scores of 3 or higher in AP Seminar and AP Research and on four additional AP Exams of their choosing receive the AP Capstone Diploma™.

For more information on Advanced Placement courses, programs and testing, please see the College Board website.